
Psilohuasca (bron: LSD Therapy Netherlands)

Psiloflora: Psilohuasca Psilohuasca sounds like ayahuasca Psilohuasca and ayahuasca are both ending with huasca because they contain both the Same MAO inhibitor. Currently ayahuasca is iilegal en psilohuasca is legal in the Netherlands. There are more differences and we’ll going to explain it in this article. What is Psilohuasca? Psilohuasca resembles ayahuasca because it is a mixture of a psychedelic substance and an MAO inhibitor. In the case of Ayahuasca the psychedelic compound is DMT and in the case of …

Psiloflora: Psilohuasca

Psilohuasca sounds like ayahuasca

Psilohuasca and ayahuasca are both ending with huasca because they contain both the Same MAO inhibitor. Currently ayahuasca is iilegal en psilohuasca is legal in the Netherlands. There are more differences and we’ll going to explain it in this article.

What is Psilohuasca?

Psilohuasca resembles ayahuasca because it is a mixture of a psychedelic substance and an MAO inhibitor. In the case of Ayahuasca the psychedelic compound is DMT and in the case of psilohuasca it is the psychedelics psilocybin/psilocin. The differences between DMT and psilocin are small since they stimulate receptors to approximately the same extent. However, there is a small difference in receptor profile stimulation that explains the differences.

The molecular difference between DMT and psilocin is only the OH group at the 4th position

Why the MAO inhibitors?

That MAO inhibitors are used at Ayahuasca makes sense. The enzyme MAO immediately breaks down the active ingredient DMT after ingestion. An MAO inhibitor or MAOi prevents MAO from from breaking down DMT. The MAOI also ensures that other monoamines are not broken down, such as dopamine and tyramine. Building up dopamine is in many cases not desirable for therapy, but it is not a major problem either. However, building up tyramine is a problem. Tyramine can cause high blood pressure, cerebral haemorrhages and even death. In order to prevent the problems with tyramine, an adapted diet must be followed.

Can we do it without MAO inhibitors?

The MAO inhibitors increase the risk of health complaints and issues. Also, the build-up of dopamine more often results in a less good effect of psychedelics (according to our experience). Ayahuasca cannot do without MAO inhibitors because otherwise DMT will not work orally. But Psilohuasca can do without MAO inhibitors. Psilocybin and psilocin can be easily absorbed and remain active for 4-6 hours. If you do add MAO inhibitors you can save on the amount of psilocybin mushrooms or magic truffles. When adding a strong MAO inhibitor, the trip also takes a few hours longer.

Psilohuasca vs ayahuasca

Dangerous combinations with MAO inhibitors

To indicate once again that the MAO inhibitors can be dangerous, we hereby provide a list of substances that are very dangerous in combination with MAO inhibitors. The following substances should not be used 24 hours before and 24 hours after the psilohuasca or ayahuasca trip.

  • sleep medication
  • anesthetics
  • migraine drugs
  • allergy medicines
  • cold medicines
  • cocaine
  • amphetamine (speed)
  • MDMA (XTC)
  • mescaline cacti (peyote and san pedro)
  • Alcohol
  • ephedra/ephedrine
  • pseudoephedrine
  • macromerine
  • fentermine.

Why would you want to take the extra risk of complications?

We believe that the advantages of MAO inhibitors do not outweigh the disadvantages. Saving on costs shouldn’t be the reason. Extending the duration of the trip can be an advantage and a disadvantage too. A good intense trip doesn’t have to take a very long time. We prefer a high dose with a good peak during the trip over a long and mild trip.

Our recipe for a psilocybin tea

We do not use the strong MAO inhibitors. If you still want to make a partial effect so that MAO is mildly inhibited, there are milder MAO inhibitors that we can make use of in consultation. Let us start by saying that health and safety are the most important things and that we do not save on costs. Our truffle tea does also have extras such as vitamin, minerals and some other activating substances that support the brain.

Extras during ceremony

Our psychedelic therapy through a truffle ceremony contains the following extras to make the experience even better:

  • Individual accompaniment truffle ceremony
  • Aromatherapy (during trip)
  • Colour therapy (during trip)
  • Musical support
  • NLP

Possibilities of a truffle ceremony

It main advantage of a psychedelic therapy session is that by means of introspection (look inside yourself) we can send you help you to change your self-image. Many addictions, fears, stress, depressions and other personal problems arise from a (negative) wrong self-image, from non-real thoughts or by subconscious stress, which are caused by fears in the subconscious. We will also focus on lifestyle changes so that you will five your body and mind some self love. Be good to your body and spirit and these will be good for you. You are worthy of the best version of yourself.


Do you first know more about what we do and who we are? You can ask us everything what comes to mind. You can chat with us via Whatsapp by clicking in the image below.

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 #ayahuasca #DMT #MAO #MAOi #Psilocin #Psilocybin #Psilohasca #truffle ceremony

The original message was posted on the psiloflora webpage Psilohuasca

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Bezoek ook onze partnersites zoals Truffel sessie, lsd therapie, truffel ceremonie, LVL 5 en , psiloflora.

LSD Therapy Netherlands

Ayahuasca ritueel
Psilohuasca or psilocybin ceremony?

Psilohuasca or psilocybin ceremony? (bron: LSD Therapy Netherlands)

DMT, psilocybin and MAO inhibitors What is the best psychedelic ceremony for depression, addictions, anxiety or for a spiritual journey. Is ayahuasca better suited than a truffle ceremony and what is psilohuasca or psiloflora? We are going to explain the differences in this blog. The similarities between the different ceremonies is the use of psychedelics of the class tryptamines in combination with or without MAO-inhibitors. Ayahuasca for example contains the tryptamine DMT + the MAOi Banisteriopsis Caapi (MAO-inhibitor) and in …

DMT, psilocybin and MAO inhibitors

What is the best psychedelic ceremony for depression, addictions, anxiety or for a spiritual journey. Is ayahuasca better suited than a truffle ceremony and what is psilohuasca or psiloflora? We are going to explain the differences in this blog. The similarities between the different ceremonies is the use of psychedelics of the class tryptamines in combination with or without MAO-inhibitors. Ayahuasca for example contains the tryptamine DMT + the MAOi Banisteriopsis Caapi (MAO-inhibitor) and in truffle ceremonies no MAOi are used because with truffles it is not necessary, but it is possible. Here is a handy overview of the ingredients used.

Ayahuasca Psilohuasca Psiloflora Truffle
MAO-inhibitor Banisteriopsis caapi Banisteriopsis caapi Passiflora incarnata no
Active tryptamine n,n-DMT 4HO-DMT 4HO-DMT 4HO-DMT
Source tryptamine M. Hostilis Shrooms/truffles Shrooms/truffles Shrooms/truffles
Diet needed Strict Strict yes no

MAOI’s are needed with ayahuasca

With ayahuasca, psilohuasca and psiloflora MAOi are used. With ayahuasca and psilohuasca usually Banisteriopsis Caapi is used, which is a strong MAO-inhibitor. MAO-inhibitors take care of switching off the MAO enzyme. Neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine are broken down by the enzyme MonoAmino-Oxidase. The psychedelic tryptamines are also broken down by MAO enzymes. If there is a MAOi Banisteriopsis Caapi then the MAO enzyme does not work anymore and the tryptamines and neurotransnitters remain active longer. Especially with ayahuasca the MAOi is needed, because DMT is broken down very fast and therefore it is not active orally. Psilocybin from truffles is broken down much slower by MAOi and therefore a MAOi is not necessary. If a MAOi is used with truffles, the trip can be extended and less of the truffles or magic mushrooms is needed.

MAO-inhibitors give extra risks

The use of MAOIs disables regulatory enzymes. Besides the advantages of a longer psychedelic session it unfortunately also has some disadvantages and possible dangers. MAO also breaks down tyramine, a monoamine that can increase blood pressure to such an extent that it becomes a danger when using MAOi. To reduce the danger of tyramine, a strict diet is needed. Other disadvantages of using Banisteriopsis Caapi as a MAO inhibitor is that it can also increase dopamine and other neurotransmitters, while in psychedelic travel only the serotonergic receptors need to be stimulated. Furthermore there are adverse drug interactions and Banisteriopsis Caapi causes a very high degree of physical discomfort during the first two hours of the ceremony.

Read more about the diet of psilohuasca or ayahuasca here.

Truffles are safer

The safest psychedelic and perhaps drug in itself is the magic truffle. Since the confirmation of the illegality of DMT and ayahuasca, this magic truffle is increasingly being combined with the MAOi of ayahuasca, the Banisteriopsis Caapi, which we call psilohuasca. This combination is quite new and has not been researched very well yet. There are also extra risks attached to the use of the strong MAOi Banisteriopsis Caapi, while it is not necessary to add a strong MAOi to the psilocybin of truffles. Psilocybin is in fact orally active. It is safer to take a higher dose of truffles than a lower dose in combination with a MAOi like Banisteriopsis Caapi. So if you want a longer and deeper trip, it is better to increase the dosage than to add Banisteriopsis Caapi.

Magic mushrooms as the least dangerous drugs

Psiloflora as an alternative

With psiloflora, the psilocybin containing truffle is combined with the passiflora incarnata (passionflower). The reason for adding the passionflower to the truffles is that this mix adds some nice properties to the psychedelic truffles without increasing the risks of complications like with strong MAO inhibitors (ayahuasca, psilohuasca etc.).

The combination of the psilocybin and the Passiflora incarnata gives the following advantages:

  • Calming effect
  • Deeper trip (triple sheet 5)
  • Longer lasting trip (up to 8 hours)
  • Bright trip
  • More visual trip

Besides the improving effects of a psychedelic trip, Passiflora incarnata is also sometimes used without psychedelics against ADHD, nervousness, nervous heart complaints, Parkinson’s disease, seizures, muscle cramps, hysteria, hypertension, PMS, epilepsy, skin disorders, hemorrhoids, burns, asthma, whooping cough, bronchitis, infections and as a painkiller for many ailments. Also with problems associated with the menopause. It is also used as a means to reduce the effects of alcoholism, to facilitate quitting drinking and is also used in delirium tremens.

Read more about Passiflora incarnatahere

So what’s the best choice now

Every ceremony is different and what is best depends on personal preference. For trip therapy the truffle ceremony is preferred and if you want to taste in a safe way of a MAOi inhibitor while using psychedelics, psiloflora is in our eyes the best choice. Our advice is a consideration between the effect and the low risks. In the end, it is all about the safety and the result.

Who is it suitable for?

Because of the prolonged duration of the psychedelic effects in the psiloflora ceremony it is advisable to have some experience with psychedelics. If you have no experience with psychedelics you can still participate, but then the advice is to take less of the psilocybin tea and if it is desired to take a second psilocybin tea one hour after intake. If fear plays a big role, it is advisable to start with a low dose or medium dose truffle ceremony. How experienced someone is with psychedelics plays of course a role in choosing a ceremony.

See below for our advice on how to participate in the truffle and/or psiloflora ceremonies.

Truffle ceremony Trip level Duration (h) Suitability
Low dose 1-2 2-3 Beginner
Medium dose 3-4 3-5 Beginner
High dose 4-5 4-6 Some experience
Heroic dose 5 5-8 More experienced
Psiloflora* 4-5 5-8 Some experience
Extended psiloflora** 4-5 8-10 Some experience

Want to know more?

Want to know more about the terms or ceremonies used? Then use the links below to read more about the subjects.

MAO-inhibitor | Ayahuasca | Psilohuasca | DMT | Psilocybin | Psilocin | Psiloflora

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Psilohuasca or psilocybin ceremony?

Bezoek ook onze partnersites zoals Truffel sessie, lsd therapie, truffel ceremonie, LVL 5 en , psiloflora.

LSD Therapy Netherlands

Heroic dose magic mushroom ceremony

Heroic dose magic mushroom ceremony (bron: LSD Therapy Netherlands)

Psiloflora: Heroic dose magic mushroom ceremony Heroic dose of psilocybin mushrooms During a heroic dose magic mushrooms ceremony the dose of psilocybin is very high. Here in the Netherlands we only use the magic truffles by the way because of legal reasons. The psychedelic effects of a heroic dose psilocybin are indescribable and incomprehensible. The awareness of the ego (self consciousness) can be absent for a longer period of time. In this article you can read if a truffle ceremony …

Psiloflora: Heroic dose magic mushroom ceremony

Heroic dose of psilocybin mushrooms

During a heroic dose magic mushrooms ceremony the dose of psilocybin is very high. Here in the Netherlands we only use the magic truffles by the way because of legal reasons. The psychedelic effects of a heroic dose psilocybin are indescribable and incomprehensible. The awareness of the ego (self consciousness) can be absent for a longer period of time. In this article you can read if a truffle ceremony with a heroic psilocybin dose is something for you.

You can find an overview of all dosages and triplevels here

Psilocybin from magic truffles

Other names we’re using for a truffle ceremony are magic mushroom ceremony or psilocybin ceremony. We use psilocybin containing truffles during a truffle ceremony. A truffle ceremony can be used as a spiritual tool, a new experience or as therapy. Therefore we sometimes speak about magic mushroom therapy, truffle therapy or psilocybin therapy. All these terms have the truffle ceremony as a base.

Effects of the heroic dose of psilocybin

The highest dosage of psilocybin will also give the most effects. This dosage is probably different than you have ever experienced before. There is a significant difference between tripping and tripping on this high dosage. The effects can be compared to a long trip level 5 where the ego death is prolonged. Read more about triplevel 5 and the heroic dosage below.

Trip level 5 (Heroic dose)

Total loss of visual connection with reality, senses no longer no longer work in the “normal” way. A total loss of ego. Users feel themselves merging with space, other objects or the universe. The loss of reality becomes so severe that it is difficult to explain or articulate. This level differs from the other other levels in that the actual universe in which things in which things are located ceases to exist. During this phase there is absolutely no direction possible from the ego. The connection with the subconscious is now at its maximum. There is nothing to hide. It is like a dream that cannot be influenced by you. This phase can give you insights in a way that at first seems incomprehensible. Level 5 trippers often call the trip experiences mystical, the most beautiful experience of their life or just frightening. Especially control freaks find it freaks find it scary in the beginning. It is not wise to start doing level 5 tripping right away without experience of psychedelics.

Heroic dose

A heroic dose of psychedelics will cause a prolonged stay in trip level 5 lasting not minutes but possibly an hour or more. longer. The dissolution of the ego (ego death) for a longer period of time Some compare it to a near death experience and rebirth. Others compare it to a prolonged DMT trip. One thing that is certain is that the connection with the regular reality completely disappears during the peak of the trip. During the coming down of a heroic dose dose there is often talk of a lot of gratitude and love for life.

For whom is the heroic dose truffle ceremony suitable?

A heroic dose truffle ceremony is suitable for those who have used high doses of psychedelics before. If you have never used any trip products (psychedelics) before then it is better to choose for a medium dose truffle ceremony. With some experience, a high dose truffle ceremony is a good choice. A heroic dose truffle ceremony is only a good choice if you have gone “deep” before during for example an ayahuasca, psilohuasca, psilocybin or psiloflora trip/ceremony.

Truffle ceremony Trip level Duration (h) Suitability
Low dose 1-2 2-3 Beginner
Medium dose 3-4 3-5 Beginner
High dose 4-5 4-6 Experience psychedelics
Heroic dose 5 5-8 More experienced

Everyone is different and needs a different approach

Individual or group

You can choose whether you want to participate individually or as a group in a truffle a truffle ceremony. We advise for therapeutic purposes not to make the group not too large. At individual sessions it is of course of course it is allowed to have an extra acquaintance present. to be present.

You may compose your own group, preferably with the people you trust the most. you trust the most. In some cases it is useful not to participate participate individually in a truffle ceremony. Think for example Relationship therapy or other forms of bonding problems.

At your location or at ours?

We are flexible when it comes to the location as long as it is in the Netherlands. Netherlands. So we can perform our individual and small-scale ceremonies at your home, in a hotel or rented Airbnb to perform our individual and small-scale ceremonies. You choose who will participate. At your own location is in most cases In most cases it is more economical, you are then in your own familiar place and you do not have to travel after the after the trip. This can contribute to inner peace during the psychedelic trip.

Read more about our on-site service here

You can also make use of our space in Schiedam which has been especially equipped for psychedelic sessions for self-groups of up to 6 people. The Psychedelic Loft in Schiedam (near Rotterdam) can enhance the experience and is especially useful for groups from 3 to 6 persons. If you make use of the Psychedelic Loft in Schiedam you can stay the night.

Read more about the Psychedelic Loft in schiedam here

Advice trip level and type of psychedelics

Would you like to undergo a psychedelic trip for the healing effects or for personal therapeutic effects or for personal and/or spiritual growth? We We can give you an advice about which trip level suits your goal and your experience. experience. Please feel free to contact us using the options below.

Contact via chat apps

Nowadays chatting via chat apps like Whatsapp and Telegram is the easiest way to get in touch quickly. The phone number we use for these chat apps is 0640898455.

Direct chat through Whatsapp

Instant messaging via Telegram

Contact by email

Despite the fact that e-mailing is used less and less often, you can Of course you can also contact us by e-mail. You can e-mail us via the following e-mail address.

Contact by phone

Do you prefer to call? You can also reach us at telephone number 0640898455. In case we can’t answer your call you can use the option above to ask us to call you.

The original message was posted on the psiloflora webpage Heroic dose magic mushroom ceremony

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Heroic dose magic mushroom ceremony

Bezoek ook onze partnersites zoals Truffel sessie, lsd therapie, truffel ceremonie, LVL 5 en , psiloflora.

LSD Therapy Netherlands

The healing properties of magic and normal mushrooms

The healing properties of magic and normal mushrooms (bron: LSD Therapy Netherlands)

Psiloflora: The healing properties of magic and normal mushrooms Magic mushrooms can be healing A part of this article is about the magic mushrooms.In the Netherlands we are allowed to use magic truffles for our truffle ceremonies. Magic truffles are the parts of the mushrooms that grow below the ground when the circumstances are bad for the mushroom to grow above the ground. Magic mushrooms and magic truffles are the same organism and they both contain the psychedelic psilocybin. When …

Psiloflora: The healing properties of magic and normal mushrooms

Magic mushrooms can be healing

A part of this article is about the magic mushrooms.In the Netherlands we are allowed to use magic truffles for our truffle ceremonies. Magic truffles are the parts of the mushrooms that grow below the ground when the circumstances are bad for the mushroom to grow above the ground. Magic mushrooms and magic truffles are the same organism and they both contain the psychedelic psilocybin. When we speak about a mushroom ceremony it’s actually a magic truffle ceremony.

Psilocybin mushrooms (shrooms)

In trip therapy we promote healing properties of magic mushrooms, the psilocybin containing varieties of mushrooms. We combine the healing properties of these psychedelics with healthy lifestyle advice for unprecedented good results. From this vision, we want to argue again that it’s not only the psychedelic effects of psychedelic mushrooms that can help us, but also the healing edible mushrooms.

Video about mushrooms

The video below is the story we have been trying to tell the world for years. It’s nice to see that this information is shared more and more on for example YouTube. The video below is a very nice and complete collection of what non-edible, edible and psychedelic mushrooms mean to us.

How can mushrooms help you?

Are you struggling with your mental health? Mushrooms can help you to better connect the brain and improve the state of the psyche. We can do this with mushrooms that will make you hallucinate or not. Here is a small overview of different medicinal mushrooms.

Type Operation
Reishi Anti-inflammatory so better immune system, less depression
Lion’s Mane More Nerve Growth Factor against Alzheimer’s and MS (neurodegeneration)
Turkey tail Better immune system, especially against cancer
Shittake Activates immune system against viruses through AHCC
Chaga Better immune system
He Shou Wu Via superoxide dismutase protection against DNA ageing
Psilocybe Hallucinations and BDNF for insights and connections in the brain

Beyond this list, there are many other mushrooms that activate the immune system. A better immune system means lower inflammation levels in the body and therefore less inflammatory products that trigger depression in a biochemical way.

The psychedelic mushrooms of the species Psilocybe

For the psychedelic sessions we use species that belong to the Psilocybe group. At a somewhat higher dosage of these variants, hallucinations, visions, insights, new brain connections and other changes occur. How the psilocybin, which is converted into the active substance psilocin, exactly works is not yet completely clear. However, we have described a number of mechanisms. More information can be found through the following links.

What are hallucinations?

The positive effects of psilocybin

The original message was posted on the psiloflora webpage The healing properties of magic and normal mushrooms

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The healing properties of magic and normal mushrooms

Bezoek ook onze partnersites zoals Truffel sessie, lsd therapie, truffel ceremonie, LVL 5 en , psiloflora.

LSD Therapy Netherlands

PTSD treatment with psilocybin

PTSD treatment with psilocybin (bron: LSD Therapy Netherlands)

Psilocybin treatments? PTSD and depression can be treated with (psychedelic) therapy and lifestyle changes. Often anxiety symptoms are deeply connected to depression since stress indirectly lowers the amount of serotonin. Low serotonin is an indicator of anxiety and depression and can worsen the situation through a negative spiral. Psilocybin, which forms psilocin after conversion, is a psychedelic that is perhaps most similar to serotonin and can therefore directly remove depressive feelings. Furthermore, during the psilocybin sessions, insights can arise, new …

Psilocybin treatments?

PTSD and depression can be treated with (psychedelic) therapy and lifestyle changes. Often anxiety symptoms are deeply connected to depression since stress indirectly lowers the amount of serotonin. Low serotonin is an indicator of anxiety and depression and can worsen the situation through a negative spiral. Psilocybin, which forms psilocin after conversion, is a psychedelic that is perhaps most similar to serotonin and can therefore directly remove depressive feelings. Furthermore, during the psilocybin sessions, insights can arise, new brain connections, connection with the divine, empathy, sympathy and self-love can be experienced. All these properties of psilocybin can help people with PTSD.

Tripping and PTSD?

Let us tell you right away that psychedelics and PTSD can also cause a bad-trip in which all fears can surface in a negative way. For people with PTSD, this can cause a worsening of the situation. It is therefore very important to make the right preparations, to create the right situation during the trip and to have an experienced trip therapist/coach around. If all these things are in order, you minimize the chance of a bad trip considerably.

Preparation of the treatment

Medication check

Certain medications that are usually prescribed for suppressing the symptoms of PTSD are definitely not compatible with most psychedelics.

Antidepressants (SSRI, MAO inhibitors, TCA) or other psychoactive drugs can not be combined with psilocybin for health reasons.

Persons with serious heart problems and / or medication for the cardiovascular function (Tramadol! etc.) can unfortunately also not undergo psilocybin treatment.

Disclaimer: Always consult with the doctor who prescribes the medication whether and how this medication can be safely phased out. Never just stop taking medication straight away!

Improve neurochemistry

Based on the intake and the neurotransmitter test that is filled out during the registration, we will make an advice regarding the neurochemistry. This means that we will recommend supplements, nutrition and activities to get the neurotransmitters in balance before we start the psychedelic session. It happens quite often to almost always that the levels of the neurotransmitters GABA and serotonin are low in PTSD. With PTSD, a low level of GABA should always be restored first in order to achieve the best possible psychedelic session.

Read more about GABA/glutamate and bad trips here.

Map out the triggers

In a psilocybin treatment against PTSD it is useful to make an overview of the triggers that cause stress. These can be sounds, situations, persons or other things. It is also handy to write down the primary response. With the primary response we mean the automatic reaction of the body/thoughts, which often has something to do with the fight/flight/freeze reaction. You can also write down what the secondary response is, by which we mean the conscious choice you make after the trigger and the primary response. For convenience, make a table that looks something like this:

Triggers Primary response Secondary response
Curse word

In case you’re not sure what your triggers are or the repsonses, fill in as much as you can and leave the unknowns blank.

The psilocybin session at PTSD

The psilocybin session in a PTSD treatment is slightly different than other sessions. The pre-treatment of the session itself, the coming down and the peak of the psilocybin session has nothing directly to do with the treatment of PTSD but with the anti-depressive properties of a psilocybin trip. It is the coming down where we will have an eye for the anxiety symptoms, triggers and responses. During the coming down we use the insights, the satisfaction and all other positivity to talk about the PTSD related issues so that the brain stores these concepts in a different way. With a very strong feeling of satisfaction and acceptance, the subconscious processes can be changed because the associations change while the brain is in a state where it makes new connections more easily.

More information

Read more about the psychedelic therapy by clicking the link below


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PTSD treatment with psilocybin

Bezoek ook onze partnersites zoals Truffel sessie, lsd therapie, truffel ceremonie, LVL 5 en , psiloflora.

LSD Therapy Netherlands

Truffle ceremony the Netherlands

Truffle ceremony the Netherlands (bron: LSD Therapy Netherlands)

Psilocybin ceremony of mushroom session? Do you want to attend a psilocybin, mushroom or magic truffle ceremony and you don’t know what to choose? Don’t worry! Magic truffles containing psilocybin meaning it’s all basically the same. The difference is that magic truffle are legal and psilocybin and magic mushrooms (shrooms) are illegal. As silly as that sounds it’s what it is. Where in the Netherlands can you go for truffles ceremonies? There are a few companies hosting the truffle ceremonies. …

Psilocybin ceremony of mushroom session?

Do you want to attend a psilocybin, mushroom or magic truffle ceremony and you don’t know what to choose? Don’t worry! Magic truffles containing psilocybin meaning it’s all basically the same. The difference is that magic truffle are legal and psilocybin and magic mushrooms (shrooms) are illegal. As silly as that sounds it’s what it is.

Where in the Netherlands can you go for truffles ceremonies?

There are a few companies hosting the truffle ceremonies. Triptherapie is one of them and focuses slightly more on the therapeutic potential of a truffle ceremony. That’s why the organise individual sessions including personal advice about your health and how to get the mos of your truffle ceremony. Group events takes place in Schiedam nearbij Rotterdam and The Hague. It’s a 45 minute drive from the airport Schiphol. The individual sessions can take place in Shiedam or anywhere in the Netherlands (your AirBNB or Hotelroom).

More information

Use the following link to learn more about the services.

Tripsitter service | Triptherapy | Group truffle ceremonies | Location Schiedam | Other locations in the Netherlands

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Truffle ceremony the Netherlands

Bezoek ook onze partnersites zoals Truffel sessie, lsd therapie, truffel ceremonie, LVL 5 en , psiloflora.

LSD Therapy Netherlands

Truffel ceremonie tegen burn-out

Truffel ceremonie tegen burn-out (bron: Truffel ceremonie Nederland)

Truffel Ceremonie over triptherapie blog: Bij triptherapie hebben ze geschreven over Truffel ceremonie tegen burn-out op June 23, 2021. U kunt dit bericht hieronder lezen Truffel ceremonie en burn-out Een truffel ceremonie of truffel sessie wordt steeds vaker ingezet als hulp om klachten zoals depressie en angstgerelateerde klachten op te lossen. Zo’n truffel sessie gaat …

Truffel Ceremonie over triptherapie blog:

Bij triptherapie hebben ze geschreven over Truffel ceremonie tegen burn-out op June 23, 2021. U kunt dit bericht hieronder lezen

Truffel ceremonie en burn-out

Een truffel ceremonie of truffel sessie wordt steeds vaker ingezet als hulp om klachten zoals depressie en angstgerelateerde klachten op te lossen. Zo’n truffel sessie gaat dan ook beter met de juiste voorbereiding die dan inspeelt op het thema van de klachten. Na de bore-out van de afgelopen tijd staat nu de burn-out weer op de loer. Bij triptherapie organiseren wij dan ook ook truffel ceremonies/sessies met oog voor burn-out.

Burn-out in het kort

Langdurige stress/angst activeert de bijnieren te lang. Bijnieruitputting ontstaat doordat er een lange tijd teveel cortisol moet worden afgegeven als gevolg van: stress, boosheid, angst, etc. Bijnieruitputting ontstaat doordat stress continu aanwezig is. Stress is bedoeld om snel te kunnen reageren in heftige situaties. De vraag is groter dan de bijnieren kunnen produceren. Sommige mensen hebben gedurende lange tijd zoveel spanningen in hun leven dat ze gezondheidsklachten ontwikkelen. Spanningen kunnen veroorzaakt worden door vele verschillende factoren. Een kenmerk kan zijn dat je voor een onmogelijk taak staat waar je geen oplossing voor ziet of dat er een angst zit verscholen in het onderbewustzijn. Dit geeft spanning en als dat te lang duurt, reageert je lichaam daarop. Langdurige spanning en daarmee de aanmaak van cortisol, is de boosdoener als het aankomt op uitputting van de bijnieren.

Burn-out voorkomen of verhelpen

De sleutel tot de oplossing is om op vier punten te werken aan een oplossing. Ten eerste dienen we de bijnieren te ontzien door stress te verlagen. Ten tweede dienen we de voorraden van verbruikte bouwstoffen aan te vullen. Het aanvullen van deze stoffen kan middels voeding en suppletie. Verder kunnen ook andere neurotransmitters uit balans zijn waardoor angst al eerder een grotere rol speelt. Daarom kijken we ook of dopamine, serotonine, GABA en acetylcholine uit balans zijn. Als laatste kunnen de geslachtshormonen een rol spelen bij een hogere vatbaarheid voor burn-out.

De angsten in het onderbewuste brein

De angsten en negatieve patronen die in het onderbewuste er voor zorgen dat je eerder burn-out raakt kan met psychedelica inzichtelijk gemaakt worden waardoor we er ook iets mee kunnen doen. Misschien heb je al goede dingen gehoord over ayahuasca of LSD therapie bij burn-out? Wij gebruiken voornamelijk truffels met psilocybine en psilocine (komt ook voor in paddo’s). Tevens is psilocybine en psilocine de minst schadelijke drugs/medicijn aller tijden. Er is m.u.v. combinatie met bepaalde medicatie hoogstwaarschijnlijk geen kans op lichamelijke schade door de werkzame stoffen.

De (on)veiligheid van drugs waaronder Mushrooms (paddo’s/truffels/psilocybine)

Overzicht procedure triptherapie

Doorgaans hanteren we met de meeste klanten een schema dat er als volgt uitziet:

  1. Aanmelding inclusief intake en neurotransmittertest (vragenlijst)
  2. Advies over voeding beweging en supplementen op basis van punt 1
  3. Een periode van 1-2 weken voortgang bekijken van punt 2
  4. Een individuele psychedelische sessie* (Tenzij een groep extra nut of de voorkeur heeft)
  5. Nabespreking van de psychedelische therapie op dezelfde dag
  6. Na ongeveer 1-2 weken nogmaals een nabespreking

Optioneel bij burn-out behandelingen: Relaxte boswandeling met tips en trucs om stress te vermijden via beweging en houding.

*Tijdens de psychedelische sessie maken we naast het gebruik van psilocybine ook gebruik van aromatherapie, kleurentherapie, zorgvuldig uitgekozen muziek, kruiden en stimulerende supplementen. Dit alles afgestemd op de klant en het doel.

U vindt hier onze prijzen voor psychedelische triptherapie

Wil je alvast zelf iets doen tegen burn-out?

Wil je nog geen psychedelische sessie maar al wel wat doen tegen burn-out klachten? We geven je hier alvast wat leestips over hoe voeding, kruiden en beweging je kunnen helpen. Verder is het ook goed om te bedenken wel zaken triggers zijn voor stress en hoe je dit kan elimineren. Soms gaat het al beter als er wordt geleerd wat je eigen grenzen zijn en hoe je die kan respecteren.

Lees hier verder:

Voeding tegen burn-out

Kruiden tegen burn-out

Testosteron verhogen tegen burn-out

Het originele bericht komt van de onderstaande link

Truffel ceremonie tegen burn-out

Bezoek ook onze partnersites zoals Truffel sessie, lsd therapie, truffel ceremonie, LVL 5 en , psiloflora.

Truffel ceremonie Nederland

Guided tripping met magic truffels bij GTST

Guided tripping met magic truffels bij GTST (bron: Truffel ceremonie Nederland)

Truffel Ceremonie over triptherapie blog: Bij triptherapie hebben ze geschreven over Guided tripping met magic truffels bij GTST op May 18, 2021. U kunt dit bericht hieronder lezen Magic truffel therapie bij Goede Tijden Slechte tijden (GTST) Tijdens aflevering 6405 van Goede Tijden Slechte Tijden adviseert de therapeut van Ludo Sanders magic truffel therapie aan. …

Truffel Ceremonie over triptherapie blog:

Bij triptherapie hebben ze geschreven over Guided tripping met magic truffels bij GTST op May 18, 2021. U kunt dit bericht hieronder lezen

Magic truffel therapie bij Goede Tijden Slechte tijden (GTST)

Tijdens aflevering 6405 van Goede Tijden Slechte Tijden adviseert de therapeut van Ludo Sanders magic truffel therapie aan. Dit wordt ook wel eens guided tripping genoemd of triptherapie. Naar onze smaak gebeurt dit op een manier die te dwingend is. Hier bij triptherapie adviseren wij om het het alleen te doen uit volledige eigen overweging. De wetenschap dat iemand het uit eigen overweging doet helpt bij het toelaten van het effect van de psilocybine/psilocine uit de truffels.

Bekijk op RTXL deze aflevering over truffels en therapie

Lopende guided trip?

Op het einde van de aflevering zie je Ludo Sanders tijdens zijn psychedelische sessie al wandelend trippen. Bij bijna alle truffel sessies als therapie is het eigenlijk helemaal niet de bedoeling dat mensen onder invloed rondlopen aangezien dat de aandacht te veel naar buiten richt. Tijdens de piek van zo’n sessie is het juist de bedoeling om te gaan liggen met de ogen dicht waarbij men zich laat leiden door de muziek en geuren met zo af en toe een vraag tussendoor.

Lees hier meer over hoe triptherapie werkt

Dosering en voorbereiding

Misschien zijn we wel te vroeg met commentaar en zien we in de volgende afleveringen meer van hoe zo’n sessie volgens ons hoort te gaan. Verder hebben we ook niets gezien over welke dosering er gebruikt wordt en wat voor exra voorbereiding er is gedaan. Klanten die zich bij ons aanmelden voor een guided truffel ceremonie krijgen advies op basis van de intake. Wij geven ook een advies t.b.v. de dosering aangezien er een groot verschil is tussen de doseringen.

Lees hier meer over de doseringen magic truffels

Magic truffels en psychedelica is niet voor iedereen

Bij de aanwezigheid van sommige (psychische) aandoeningen kan je beter geen psychedelica gebruiken. Zo zijn schizofrenie, borderline en ernstige bloed- en/of hartklachten contra-indicaties. Na het invullen van de intake kunnen wij beoordelen of u kunt deelnemen aan een magic truffel sessie.

Lees hier waarom andere klanten juist wel een psychedelische sessie ondergaan

Klaar voor de digitale intake?

Wilt u eerst advies? Neem dan vrijblijvend contact met ons op.

Het originele bericht komt van de onderstaande link

Guided tripping met magic truffels bij GTST

Bezoek ook onze partnersites zoals Truffel sessie, lsd therapie, truffel ceremonie, LVL 5 en , psiloflora.

Truffel ceremonie Nederland

Psilocybine therapie tegen PTSS en depressie

Psilocybine therapie tegen PTSS en depressie (bron: Truffel ceremonie Nederland)

Truffel Ceremonie over triptherapie blog: Bij triptherapie hebben ze geschreven over Psilocybine therapie tegen PTSS en depressie op May 15, 2021. U kunt dit bericht hieronder lezen Triptherapie Hier bij triptherapie zetten we lifestylecoaching in combinatie met psychedelische sessies in om diverse klachten, verslavingen en aandoeningen te behandelen. Toen we jaren geleden begonnen was er …

Truffel Ceremonie over triptherapie blog:

Bij triptherapie hebben ze geschreven over Psilocybine therapie tegen PTSS en depressie op May 15, 2021. U kunt dit bericht hieronder lezen


Hier bij triptherapie zetten we lifestylecoaching in combinatie met psychedelische sessies in om diverse klachten, verslavingen en aandoeningen te behandelen. Toen we jaren geleden begonnen was er nog niet zo veel aandacht voor psychedelica als therapeutisch hulpmiddel als dat er nu is. Nu er steeds meer wetenschappelijke onderzoeken positief worden afgerond komt de aandacht te liggen op psychedelica als ‘het medicijn’. Wij zien dat als een positieve verandering, maar we willen benadrukken dat psychedelische sessies veel meer effect hebben als er ook gekeken wordt naar de leefstijl en fysieke gezondheid. De onderstaande video vertelt een mooi verhaal hoe diverse onderzoekers kijken naar wat psychedelica kan betekenen tijdens therapie.


to watch

Informatie over onderzoeken en behandelingen

Maak gebruik van de onderstaande links als je meer wilt weten over onze behandelingen en de lopende wetenschappenlijke onderzoeken naar psychedelica.

Onderzoeken naar psilocybine therapie

PTSS en psilocybine sessies

Depressiebehandeling via psychedelische therapie

Psychedelica tegen verslavingen

Psilocybine tegen een negatief zelfbeeld

Klaar voor de digitale intake?

Wilt u eerst advies? Neem dan vrijblijvend contact met ons op.

Het originele bericht komt van de onderstaande link

Psilocybine therapie tegen PTSS en depressie

Bezoek ook onze partnersites zoals Truffel sessie, lsd therapie, truffel ceremonie, LVL 5 en , psiloflora.

Truffel ceremonie Nederland

Truffle ceremony

Truffle ceremony (bron: Truffel ceremonie Nederland)

The truffle ceremony In truffle ceremonies the psychedelic psilocybin will be converted into psilocin and that will take somebody to another state of consciousness. During such a truffle ceremony you will be accompanied by skilled and experienced personnel. Extra features of the truffle ceremony are the music, the aromas, and other extras we use. Truffle …

The truffle ceremony

In truffle ceremonies the psychedelic psilocybin will be converted into psilocin and that will take somebody to another state of consciousness. During such a truffle ceremony you will be accompanied by skilled and experienced personnel. Extra features of the truffle ceremony are the music, the aromas, and other extras we use.

Truffle ceremonies can be done individually, in private groups or in open groups. Of course each of these options has its own advantages.

Other names for magic truffle ceremonies are magic mushroom ceremony and psilocybin ceremony.Dosages psychedelics

Open truffle ceremony

The open group truffle ceremonies are open for anyone who is medically able to participate in a truffle ceremony.

The size of the groups for psychedelic ceremonies is maximum 7 persons. These ceremonies are perfect for getting to know new people, but especially your subconscious self.

For those who want to do a Truffle ceremony for therapeutic effects we recommend Trip Therapy. Trip therapy is an individual psychedelic session with personal preparation with the focus on overall health. Read more about trip therapy via the link or check out our available open psychedelic ceremonies below.

Trip therapy information

Our locations

Psychedelic Loft Schiedam

The Psychedelic Loft in Schiedam is a beautiful space for psychedelic therapy and for spiritual journeys. The space is suitable for 1-6 persons.Psychedelic Loft Schiedam

At your location

Thanks to our on-site service, you can also propose a space yourself. We also come to your home, hotel, Airbnb or holiday home. So you can always choose a location that suits you.On Location

Reviews from customers


Trip therapy
against depression

It really is a journey, first it slowly became more and more difficult to formulate thoughts, then it became more difficult to find words and finally I came into contact with my subconscious. The genius of this is that your subconscious knows where your difficulties and wounds are, where attention needs to be paid to and where the healing needs to take place.Read full review


ego death

I’m an atheist, but grew up very religious, this was the experience I’d been craving for a while since leaving my faith. It was the transcendence without the dogma. It was the numinous without the pulpit. In fact it was even beyond that… at one point I felt that I hadn’t just met god (I’m still an atheist but it’s the best word to describe what it felt like) but I became god. I was the universe, I became Vishnu the Hindu god of creation and Brahma at the same time. Read full review


Truffle ceremony
against addiction

The trip was the most euphoric and visual trip I have ever experienced, I needed that for a moment, what a relief.
The conversation with Marcel after the trip has influenced me very positively in the days that followed.
I used to drink alcohol every day after work and have been depositing all my money in online casinos for the past 4 years.
I don’t feel the need to drink and gamble anymore now, I also have the feeling that I’m letting the universe down if I start again.
Read full review

Contact Us

Would you like to know more about our services and the possibilities?

Please contact us for all your questions. Contact us

Het originele bericht komt van de onderstaande link

LSD therapie: Truffle ceremony

In samenwerking met Psilocybine therapie Nederland hebben wij dit bericht geplaatst om u beter van dienst te kunnen zijn op gebied van truffel en paddo ceremonies

Truffle ceremony

Het originele bericht komt van de onderstaande link

Truffle ceremony

Bezoek ook onze partnersites zoals Truffel sessie, lsd therapie, truffel ceremonie, LVL 5 en , psiloflora.

Truffel ceremonie Nederland

Trip level doseringen

Trip level doseringen (bron: Truffel ceremonie Nederland)

Triptherapie: Trip level doseringen Trip level doseringen De hoeveelheid psychedelica en soort psychedelica zorgt voor het behalen van bepaalde trip levels. Hoe hoger de dosering des te sterker de effecten.  Van triplevel 1 tot en met trip level 5 staat uitgelegd op onze pagina over de doseringen. Gebruik de onderstaande link voor meer informatie.   …

Triptherapie: Trip level doseringen

Trip level doseringen

De hoeveelheid psychedelica en soort psychedelica zorgt voor het behalen van bepaalde trip levels. Hoe hoger de dosering des te sterker de effecten. 

Van triplevel 1 tot en met trip level 5 staat uitgelegd op onze pagina over de doseringen. Gebruik de onderstaande link voor meer informatie.





Het originele bericht komt van de onderstaande link

Triptherapie tegen depressie, angst, stress, burn-out en PTSS: Trip level doseringen

Lees hier meer over onze psychedelische therapie in combinatie met een behandeling tegen depressie, burn-out, stress, angst, laag zelfbeeld, sociale angst, PTSS, onzekerheid en chronische ontstekingsziekten.


Andere namen voor psychedelische therapie: Ayahuasca, MDMA therapie, Truffel ceremonie, paddo ceremonie, psilocybine ceremonie.

In samenwerking met Psilocybine therapie Nederland hebben wij dit bericht geplaatst om u beter van dienst te kunnen zijn op gebied van truffel en paddo ceremonies

Trip level doseringen

Het originele bericht komt van de onderstaande link

Trip level doseringen

Bezoek ook onze partnersites zoals Truffel sessie, lsd therapie, truffel ceremonie, LVL 5 en , psiloflora.

Truffel ceremonie Nederland

Tripsitter Netherlands

Tripsitter Netherlands (bron: Truffel ceremonie Nederland)

Tripsitter in the Netherlands In the Netherlands you can use our tripsitter service that we offer at our location and your location. If you’re staying in a city like Amsterdam, Haarlem, Utrecht or Rotterdam we can also do the sessions in your hotelroom, AirBNB or someplace else with a private room. If you want to …

Tripsitter in the Netherlands

In the Netherlands you can use our tripsitter service that we offer at our location and your location. If you’re staying in a city like Amsterdam, Haarlem, Utrecht or Rotterdam we can also do the sessions in your hotelroom, AirBNB or someplace else with a private room. If you want to hire us to guide your psychedelic trip we will do more than just what people expect from a professional tripsitter. Besides offering a safe environment we will also think along concerning the intention of the psychedelic trip.

Reason for tripping

Psychedelic journeys and tripping mean the same thing. Sometimes the use of words can mean something about the intent of the trip. For example, both terms are used for a therapeutic setting. Psychedelic travel is more often seen as a spiritual experience. Tripping is often used alongside the therapeutic approach as something that is done for pleasure or just to experience it once.

We do more than just trips

About 7 out of 10 of our clients use our services as a therapeutic tool. A smaller group has a spiritual intention as their main one and the smallest group uses our services for the experience or pleasure. Of course, there are also mixed intentions. See the graph below for the distribution of the main reason for doing a psychedelic experience through us.

Task % Customers
Therapeutic 70
Spiritual 20
Fun/experience 10

Trip Therapy

We call those trajectories that are intended for the therapeutic effect trip therapy. Of those clients, these are the most common complaints (in order of most registrations).

  1. Depression
  2. Burnout
  3. Social anxiety
  4. Addictions
  5. PTSD

Still only need a tripsitter?

For those who want to go on a psychedelic trip and only need a tripsitter we can offer you something extra. Should it turn out during a spiritual or fun-trip that you need more support than you thought? We have a lot of experience with various therapeutic psychedelic trips and we can use our knowledge when it is needed. During a psychedelic trip that is guided by us, we take some extra things with us. The following legal psychedelics are included in our services:

  • Truffles (psilocybin)
  • Psiloflora (psilocybin + mild MAO inhibitor)

The other extras that add to the trip are:

  • Aromatherapy
  • Music by intention
  • Colorlight
Color therapy during session

We create a ceremony for you

With all the extras and an approach based on intention, we will create a ceremony for you. We can do this at your location and at ours.

Read more about our on-site servicehere

Do you want a nice experience with familiar people? Make up your own group of 3-6 people and come to the psychedelic loft in Schiedam. This loft is especially made for psychedelic journeys.

Read more about the Psychedelic Lofthere

Psiloflora or truffle ceremony?

Use the links to read more about the ceremonies and psychedelics that we offer.

Truffle ceremony

Psiloflora ceremony

Extended psiloflora ceremony

Do you want to buy your own psychedelics and hire us as a tripsitter? Please contact us through the following options.

Contact via chat apps

Nowadays chatting via chat apps like Whatsapp and Telegram is the easiest way to get in touch quickly. The phone number we use for these chat apps is 0640898455.

Direct chat through Whatsapp

Instant messaging via Telegram

Contact by email

Despite the fact that e-mailing is used less and less, you can of course also contact us by e-mail. You can email us at the following email address.

Contact by phone

Do you prefer to call? You can also reach us at telephone number 0640898455. In case we can’t answer your call you can use the option above to ask us to call you.

Het originele bericht komt van de onderstaande link

LSD therapie: Tripsitter Netherlands

In samenwerking met Psilocybine therapie Nederland hebben wij dit bericht geplaatst om u beter van dienst te kunnen zijn op gebied van truffel en paddo ceremonies

Tripsitter Netherlands

Het originele bericht komt van de onderstaande link

Tripsitter Netherlands

Bezoek ook onze partnersites zoals Truffel sessie, lsd therapie, truffel ceremonie, LVL 5 en , psiloflora.

Truffel ceremonie Nederland