Vegan diet causes depression?

Vegan diet causes depression? (bron: Psiloflora)

Vegan food can be healthier People who switch to a vegan diet often get healthier at first, get more energy after a few weeks, gain better weight and start looking […]

Vegan food can be healthier

People who switch to a vegan diet often get healthier at first, get more energy after a few weeks, gain better weight and start looking healthier. These changes are often caused by removing unhealthy elements from the diet and adding natural foods.

Huge Group of Fresh Fruits on Wooden Background

Long term vegan eating

If a vegan diet is followed purely for a prolonged period of time, shortages of certain nutrients will occur. Supplementation with these nutrients can supplement the deficiencies, but often some minerals, vitamins or other nutrients are missing. The best known supplement for vegans is vitamin B12. There are more substances that play an important role, read on for more information.

Nutrient deficiencies cause depression

In trip therapy, many clients present themselves on a vegetarian or vegan diet. Depression, anxiety complaints and low energy levels are the most common complaints in this group. Psychedelic therapy obviously works well against the psychological aspect of depression and anxiety, but it does not solve the underlying physical deficiency of nutrients. The best way to find a lasting solution is, of course, to tackle the physical (nutrition) as well as the psychological side (psychedelic session) at the same time.

Consider the following substances

The most common deficiencies occur in vegans due to vitamins and minerals. In an increasing number of cases, low protein intake (and certain amino acids) is a factor in poorer health.

The role of proteins and amino acids in depression

Here’s a list of the nutrients you need to pay attention to as a vegan. Carnitine, Creatine, Iodine, Omega 3 (DHA and EPA), Omega 6 (GLA), Selenium, Vitamin B1, B2, B6, B11, B12, D, Q10 and zinc.

The ratio of Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids

Vegan trip therapy?

Are you a vegan and do you want to do a psychedelic session? Make use of the tips on this page and see which nutrients you can get through nutrition and which ones you should use as a supplement. In a triptherapy program we will think along with you and find out what can help you.

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Would you like some advice first? Please feel free to contact us.Start the intakeContact us

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Do you also have a passion for food and what it does to our health on a physical and psychological level? We have more articles you might find interesting. Here are some suggestions.

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Vegan diet causes depression?

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